The Day the Dream Came True

Hearing your own music that was composed and recorded by your own hands professionally for the first time is one of the most satisfying experiences ever.  The emotions you feel as you listen can bring up so much from elation and happiness all the way to disappointment or discouragement. It was an unforgettable experience when this happened only a few weeks ago.  After such a long time planning, writing, editing, practicing and recording…this dream that was held close to the heart  for so long had finally come true.  They say there’s no fairy godmother in real life to grant those wishes and maybe that’s true, but it’s been my experience that an amazing producer can also make dreams come true.  And that’s how it all happened.  There’s something to be said for working with amazing people for sure, but for my story, would it have happened if I had not been in place practicing and performing and doing all the things needed everyday to become the musician that I dreamed to be? Probably not.  

To be successful in music the top priority is that the music is great.  Regular, consistent, & correct practice is essential if you want to improve your skills.

Lessons learned…

*Practicing scales regularly & correctly is definitely on the priority list for any aspiring musician.  It seems like a little thing but that one little thing leads to bigger things. 

*Record and listen.  

*Perform when you get the chance. 

*Get feedback from someone knowledgeable and take it humbly.

Recalling that one year that was a devoted scale practice year, that one year changed everything for this girl.   Looking back now while waiting for May 1st 2023 to arrive, which is the day of the album's release, there’s a huge sense of satisfaction to have crossed the finished line on completion of that very first project.  The word overjoyed is definitely an understatement!  Not only  because of how the music sounds but more importantly because the dream that usually begins in most people at childhood as it did in this story has brought with it a great sense of  accomplishment.  How awesome are those moments when you get to move past the one thing to do the next.  This is one of those moments for sure but the fact that this journey even happened is surreal after dreaming about it for so long.

The projects ahead bring with them a hint of mystery, partly because two of the selections which will be featured have yet to be written - so, we will all be in for the surprise that comes with the creation of a piece of music.   To be gifted with a music skill is a priceless treasure.  How do you nurture that gift inside of  you?   The suspense, the waiting , the wondering what it will sound like, how it will make people feel, and more importantly how it will inspire future generations also searching to accomplish their own dreams. 

The sound of rain drops on the roof, gorgeous waterfalls out a kitchen window, the rush of the day going by with people coming and going and yet, finding your happy place is priceless. Not knowing what everything will look like at the end is ok because taking small steps which lead to bigger places is all part of the journey, enjoying the process, making mistakes and learning from them are all part of the process and continuing anyway is a must to finally accomplishing that dream inside of you.  I continue to enjoy the journey, do my best and up level wherever I can push myself to become better, I couldn’t ask for a happier place to be. 

Becoming a musician and now a recording artist has changed how I view this craft.  I have always created music for as long as I can remember, but crossing over to recording Artist has also brought with it many new skills which I now need to learn to become the best that I can be and to be able to get my music from my head and hands to your heart is my goal.  This is now my reason for jumping out of bed each morning and walking into my studio in order to inspire you to dream your dream until 

you get to one day live it.


My Life Story