The Music, The Adventures, The Story

This amazing Moondog picture from New Zealand was one of the first shots taken after Tori arrived.  What a pleasant welcome.  This was chosen for the back of the CD.  The inspiration and beauty of New Zealand is second to none except maybe the beautiful Pacific Northwest or Alaska.  But, I haven’t been everywhere yet. 

We seldom rise alone

Sometimes it takes a tribe or a village but then again, one person can do so much to help another.  I’m reflecting on my own journey from a dream to reality and there were so many who lifted me up all along the way.  Teachers, mentors, family, friends, and more.  What I have learned in this process is that it's  the great people around us, supporting our dreams and lifting us when we can’t seem to go it alone. 

Can you reflect on how you too have accomplished all that you have? Is there any one person you could give a shout out to or send an old fashioned “Thank You” note to?

It’s my hope to inspire you if you are still trying to accomplish what may seem like an impossible dream on your own to align yourself with those who love you and wish you the best success and greatest happiness.

The places Tori has traveled to, I have been fortunate to tag along a few times.  I have New Zealand on my bucket list and know that it will not disappoint because even though I have not physically been there, Tori has taken me on some amazing virtual adventures via Facetime.  Those rocks all along the mountain where they filmed The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe were surreal.

The long and winding road, the endless flights, the taxi’s, hotels and restaurants.  All part of the journey.  Sometimes the day is long and hard and yet, we still go.  Why? Is it ever easy? I guess it is sometimes, but it is mostly a lot of hurrying, re-organizing, waiting, changing, etc… But, when we get to the end of the day and reflect back while gazing in the direction of a beautiful sunset, or swimming in the warm ocean, usually, everything was worth it and makes up for all that is endured to make the trip happen. 

Remembering back to the days when for me, adventures and sharing my music with the world were only a dream because of my physical limitations and before YouTube, I would read, listen to travel stories, try out culinary creations from other countries in my own kitchen or listen to music, discover art etc…I was able to enjoy the world from the comfort of my own home.   These activities I chose to do are what helped keep the dream of adventure and creation alive for me.  Have you ever had the desire for adventure only to be disappointed because of some obstacle? Don’t give up, figure out a way to enjoy it by immersing yourself in it some way or another.  If you don’t give up on your dream, it just might take you there-wherever there is.

Nashville, Tennessee - Music City

Music experience for the inspiration of the song “Here With Me”

It’s been said that “A bad day in Nashville is better than a good day anywhere else.” 

My daughter Charlie (vocalist on the album) invited me along for a writer's circle and it was fun but I didn’t write anything.  

People who had lost someone they loved and were grieving really got to me, especially my close friends… I found myself writing songs for them to help ease the strong hopeless emotions that accompany grief.  I really wanted one song for anyone experiencing such heartache.  I waited, I thought about it and after that Nashville trip I had it!  I walked in my front door and just for the record, it was a Mark The Pond Guy Moonlight Pond Tour that evening with about 150 registered to attend and I was the hostess.  I had numerous things to get done before 7PM.  Yet, my husband came in and saw me sitting at the piano. He gave me a confused look like how could I be playing songs with so much to do in so little time.  I responded to his unasked question by saying I had a song and it needs to be written right now.  10 minutes later it was done and I was able to get all my other tasks finished in time as well.  The meaning of the song is that even though the one we love has gone on, the love they brought to us never leaves.  I hope and pray you find comfort in the lyrics and music if  you’ve lost someone you love.


My Life Story


How Nature Inspires Us